Full hardware Specs
General specs
- Wifi and bluetooth
- USB-C connection
- 16 (4x4) mechanical keys with transparent keycaps
- Hot-Swappable for MX style switches
- RGB led for each key
- 2 RGB LEDs for status located on top of the knobs.
- 128x64 Monochrome OLED Screen
- 2 clickable infinite knobs, with tactile click every step of a turn
- Gesture sensor, allowing gestures like swipe up, down, left, and right.
- 1 general purpose header
- 2-pin battery connector
- 1 switch for turning on and off (when the battery is connected)
Detailed specs
- ESP32-wroom-32D microcontroller with Wifi 802.11b/g/n, Bluetooth V4.2 BR/EDR and Bluetooth LE
- 2x EC11 encoders
- Monochrome OLED Display 0.96" I2C 128x64 (SSD1306)
- UART to serial converter (CP2102N)
- LDO Voltage Regulators 3.3V 1A (NCP1117ST33T3G)
- DC/DC 5V 1A converter (LM2623)
- Li-Polymer battery charger (MCP73831)
- 18 SK6812 RGB LEDs (neopixel style)
- 1 I2C header, used for gesture sensor (APDS-9960)
- 1 general purpose header